Monday, January 27, 2020

General Georges Patton Jr On Leadership Religion Essay

General Georges Patton Jr On Leadership Religion Essay Old Blood and Guts George S. Patton, Jr. was one of the most colorful generals of World War II. Patton went to the Virginia Military Institute and to West Point, where he was an undistinguished student but a remarkable athlete. A cavalryman and swordsman in the U.S. Army, he served on the staff of General John J. Pershing during the 1916 pursuit of Pancho Villa in Mexico, and during World War I Patton fought in Europe and became an early expert in a radical new form of battle machine: tanks(Infoplease, 2010). GENERAL GEORGE S. PATTON, JR. QUOTATIONS A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week. I am a soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight. America loves a winner, and will not tolerate a loser, this is why America has never, and will never, lose a war. A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood. By perseverance, study, and eternal desire, any man can become great.(generalpatton,2010). Early Life George S Patton spent his childhood listening to stories of military heroes. Both his father and grandfather, Col. George S. Patton, had attended Virginia Military Institute, where Pattons favorite hero, Thomas Stonewall Jackson had taught. George S. Patton decided when he was 10 years old that he wanted to grow up to be a famous general. He spent most of the remainder of his childhood teaching himself things that he felt a general needed to know. This drive towards a goal, very evident during his childhood, would continue throughout his life (freeinfosociety,2010). Purpose of the assignment Purpose of this assignment is to provide an argument, based on research and briefly discuss about General George S. Pattons leadership Qualities. Areas I intended to cover in this assignment includes: 1. A brief introduction on George s Patton 2. The leadership Traits shown by George s Patton 3. The leadership Principles adopted by George s Patton 4. The leadership Styles shown by George S Patton 5. Discussion 6. The Lessons which I learned according to the research of George S Patton 7. Conclusion Analysis Leadership Traits shown by George s Patton Bearing, courage, decisiveness, dependability, endurance, enthusiasm, initiative, integrity, judgment, justice, knowledge, loyalty, tact, unselfishness; these are the fourteen written leadership traits by George S Patton. Patton always stayed true to his word and men and never left their side. Even though he called them cowards, maggots, and just about every insulting thing that you could tell a soldier, they still followed him. He motivated these men, gave them confidence, and boosted. Patton says In order for you to be a good leader you must be technically and tactically proficient. Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way, Patton is most known for saying. He wanted his men to wear their ties into battle. Develop a sense of responsibility among subordinates. There was pressure from some superiors in Washington and an ignorant public to have Patton relieved of duty. Know your men, look out for their welfare, and keep them informed. In the end, Patton made a courageous publi c apology for the incident. Another example of Pattons determination as a leader was when he found himself in trouble with military leaders after he slapped a soldier who he considered a coward and a malingerer. These two examples show many of Pattons leadership traits(megaessays,2010). Leadership Principles adopted by the leader Here are some leadership principles that he stood for: 1. Commanders must lead and they must have the authority to match their responsibility. 2. Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men. 3. Leaders always protect their followers first. 4. Leaders always do what they ask their followers to do. 5. Do not go to war when you gain nothing by winning. 6. Always, have something in reserve. 7 Good tactics can save even the worst strategy. Bad tactics will destroy even the best strategy. 8. A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood. 9. Communications must be quick and effective. 10. Know what you know and what you do not know! 11. Be timely with yourdecisions, never too early or too late. 12. Live for something rather than die for nothing(Bergeth,2007). Example: Gen.George S. Pattons leadership principles are emotional and curious that his subordinates valued and accept whole-heartedly those principles accordingly. The flamboyant Patton applies these principles to motivate his soldiers towards imposing the necessity of their job, how important the soldiers are and always force them readiness and alertness in their reaction, to any unforeseen adverse condition. Leadership Styles shown by the leader Pattons simple plan of attack was to, Hold the enemy by the nose and kick him in the pants. Probably the greatest aspect of his leadership qualities was the ability to motivate his troops via masterful speeches. This involved talking to his troops like they all were vital to operational success; The soldier is the army. No army is better than its soldiers. A lesson many big companies should recognize, it could only better their working relationship with their employees. Patton talked in a language that could easily be understood by his men and respected everyones role in making the American fighting men winners (navaleadership.blogspot,2010). This colorful hero and general of world War II was a chief proponent of the adoption of armored weapons and mobile tactics, whose career climaxed in 1944-45 when, after the Allied Normandy invasion, Pattons Third Army swept across France and into Germany. One of the worlds ablest tank commanders, he played a pivotal role in helping to halt the German counterattack in the Battle of the Bulge (Dec. 1944-Jan. 1945) . Patton was relentless leader, and incurred favorable publicity for slapping a combat exhausted soldier in a hospital, although he later apologized publicly for the incident. He himself was fatally injured, ironically, in an automobile accident near Mannheim, Germany, and is remembered as amongst the most capable as well as tempestuous generals of World War I1.1 This incident was reflective of not just the leadership style of Gen. Patton, but of his controversial persona as well. George Patton displayed an ability(ezwrite,2010) Example: Stickler, Pattons leadership styles shows that he was a completely Authoritarian. But he always look after his soldiers their well-being he always depend upon his soldiers. He always use to motivate soldiers by giving them various extraordinary speeches to achieve his goals. Significant leadership moment displayed by the leader Patton always knew exactly what he wanted to say to his soldiers and he never needed notes. He always spoke to his troops extemporaneously. As a general rule of thumb, it is safe to say that Patton usually told his men some of his basic thoughts and concepts regarding his ideas of war and tactics. Instead of the empty, generalized rhetoric of no substance often used by Eisenhower, Patton spoke to his men in simple, down to earth language that they understood. He told them truthful lessons he had learned that would keep them alive. As he traveled throughout battle areas, he always took the time to speak to individual soldiers, squads, platoons, companies, regiments, divisions or whatever size group could be collected. About the only difference in the context of these talks was that the smaller the unit, the more tactical the talk would be. Often he would just give his men some sound, common sense advice that they could follow in order to keep from being killed or maimed(pattonhq,2010) . Patton was the first soldier in the tank corps. He created the training procedures, the regulations and the methods of instruction. At that time the American public saw Patton as an arrogant man who enraged Americans because he slapped a soldier who was hospitalized for post traumatic stress disorder, which at that time was called combat fatigue(123helpme,2010). Example: Patton himself is a self motivated high morality person, he has the will to win and he also express those feeling to his subordinates with sound knowledge, he says if there is a will there is a way, and the best thing is he encourage his soldiers by guts. His decisions of achievement are known as do or die. He didnt except loosing the battle by showing cowardness. Discussion General George S Patton is a great incredible commander who had born to America. His dream and the ambitions determined while his childhood, to become a hero of the battle to serve as a army professional commander. to serve his nation as a combatant . After his determination he attempted to achieve the goal according to his dream until success. Looking to an overview of this great brilliant person, and the fabulous leadership qualities, I can say he is a brave commander; he has got the guts to fight until blood comes, against the enemies in any conditions to protect his beloved Nation. His leadership shows that he is an all-weather combat fighter. His quotes are great, incredible beneficence that provide to develop a winning attitude for people like us. Now we as a Non Commissioned Officers who are serving likewise as a combatant in Maldives National Defense Force we are pleased to accept those practical traits which proven by General George S Patton. The 14 traits now we are using i n our leadership courses. Those traits can are very important to us and if we follow those traits. Each and every subordinate will have the confidence with their leaders. Take a look to his styles again its freak to apply among us even in a adverse condition. Basically, Pattons leadership philosophy is to keep moving and use offensive tactics against enemies. He always reminds his soldiers that Wars are not won by defensive tactics. Therefore the soldiers have to keep moving towards the enemy and the enemy cannot hit you. If anyone stay behind or get backward during the confrontation. He can be known as a coward, without having the guts to confront in the battle. And for that person its good to dig a grave on his own. The good thing which I found from this leader can be mention about his vigorous speeches to motivate his soldiers in all vital conditions and if I say something bad about the leader there will be very few things to say but with respect and fond to him I would like to s ay the split personality is also important to a good leader, often I couldnt find this Quality by him and in return I found authoritative style at all times. Lessons Learned Regarding the lesson which I learned from this leader can be stated without a end. But the most priority and reason given to fight against enemies I mean the every single war fought against them is to defend their nation from the enemies or any terrorist act he loved his country and also emphasize others to love their nation. Attain the vigorous courage from our past fathers. Dont leave even a piece of land area from our nation to any selfish enemy. I learned as a lesson from this leader that if we hold our hands together to achieve something ( goal or mission ) then it will not face us a difficulty to win. Especially we, the defense forces must know who we are and to whom we are for, The more he declaim his speeches to his subordinates before the confrontation to any adverse condition or person nevertheless enhancing their courage will result ultimately, in several ways of his goal achievement. Conclusion General George s Pattons leadership is sometimes harsh and to the point, but nevertheless its very effective. Generally he applies an autocratic leadership style also he himself is a very serious person. People cannot bluff him while doing their job because he knows his soldiers very well. Pattons leadership methods are very much feasible and surely it can be implemented into todays business environment too, throughout his leadership we could derive experience and also these people could work best in their companies with, having a very aggressive business stance and attack their given market share. Therefore eventually I would wholeheartedly embrace his potential and greatest leadership methods. Gen.George s Patton had been proved efficient and effectiveness by showing his vigorous performance in accomplishments during world war 2 and his own life. As a non commission officer in MNDF my ambition is to adopt some of his good leadership Qualities to my behavior and apply these leadersh ip in every appropriate condition. Reference page Bergeth,2007 viewed on 31 March 2010 ezwrite,2010 viewed 1April 2010 freeinfosociety,2010 view 1 April 2010 generalpatton,2010 viewed on 31-03-2010 Infoplease, 2010 viewed on 31-03-2010 megaessays,2010 view 1 April 2010 navaleadership.blogspot,2010 viewed on 31 March 2010 pattonhq,2010 viewed on 31 March 2010 Wikipedia, 2010 viewed on 31-03-2010 123helpme,2010 viewed 31 March 2010 SERGEANT COURSE 01 NON-COMISSIONED OFFICERS ACADEMY MALDIVES NATIONAL DEFENCE FORCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND AGREEMENT I Hereby, declare the contents which I included in this assignment was written by myself based on the Research of the given Leader. Therefore, I can assure you, there would be no Plagiarized pretended act taken by, during the accomplishment of this Assignment. I do except that some parts of this assignment include sentences/information, extracted through the Internet. But Ive been never attempted/intended to adopt those hard works done by the author to as my work. 4 April 2010 Signiture: Ssgt Ahmed Shinan Military Police Maldives National Defense Force

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Alternative solutions for internet censorship in Australia Essay

This report was commissioned to elaborate other alternative methods that can be used to monitor internet information in Australia without incorporating internet filtration as the Australian government proposes. The future of Australian children has been compromised by the immoral vices that the use of the internet perpetuates. Moreover, organizations, customers and innovators have also suffered from this paradigm which advocates for phishing, on-line identity theft and piracy among others. Therefore, the report advocates for the use of technology, political power, moral ethics and civil libertarians. These methods are not liable to scrutiny and criticism as they do not impede the first amendment bill of the constitution which advocates for freedom of expression among other concerns explained in the report. Furthermore, the report evaluates this range of methods and concludes that it would be ideal to implement the technology method. Introduction Advancement in technology has increased the reliance of internet as a means of entertainment and education source. It has also encompassed the education curriculum, social, economic and political activities creating both a positive and a negative impact. We have been able to succeed and are actually grateful because most of the information and technological know how can be retrieved with ease. However, our children and business enterprises have been adversely affected by the increased internet sexual harassment, privacy invasion, cyber-bullying, on-line identity theft, piracy and phishing just to mention a few in the unending list. In the event our children have developed aggressive attitudes which advocates for delinquent behaviours. On the other hand children that have experienced internet sexual harassment and bullying among others become depressed and thus are cut out from social life and its benefits. This explains the increased rates of teenage suicidal attempts in Australia (Australian Government 2007). Therefore, the government has taken a further step in an attempt of curbing this predicament by introducing mandatory internet filtration to all internet services at home, in schools and public computers used by he Australian children. The government also plans to prepare the Australian children on strategies of being responsible cyber-citizens, protecting their identity while on-line, understanding the impact of their actions on others while using the internet, responding to cyber-bulling and invasion of their privacy among other negative internet vices. To achieve this the government plans to launch education curriculum that provides first rate cyber-safety education programs and educate parents on the negative vices prevailed by the internet thus ensuring their children use the internet responsibly. Furthermore, the government plans to use the blacklist formulated by the Australia Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to ensure harmful information is not availed to the children, establish a Youth Advisory Group (YAG) to easily access information affecting children on-line and to do further research on cyber- safety issues in Australia among others (Australian Government 2007). This initiative has been met with mixed reactions as some citizens support the idea while others reject the move critically analysing it. Critics view the move as a lash to the development and welfare of the citizens in terms of internet use because internet censorship will reduce the speed of the internet, the initiative is not effective because people will still be able to access the prohibited information through the use of proxy services and web services just to mention a few. The initiative will also violate the first amendment bill which advocates for freedom of expression. The country will waste a huge sum of its capital through the implementation of this impractical solution because approximately USD 22billion of tax payers’ money will be used to implement this initiative. Furthermore, the criteria that will be used to determine the appropriate age to use the internet, the appropriateness of information on the internet and determining a comprehensive blacklist are in question. Therefore, to anal the dilemma the government is facing this report will elaborate on alternative methods of internet censorship other than internet filtration that can be used (Harvey 2009b). Alternative solutions To end the conflicts that have arisen because of the proposal of incorporating compulsory Internet Service provider (ISP) filtering in the country the government should implement other alternatives such as use of technology, political power, moral ethics and civil libertarian to implement internet censorship as outlined below. Technology The government can utilize the available technology to help implement their strategies on internet censorship rather than using internet filtration. It can establish websites that teach and warn adults and children on the dangers prevailed by the internet and how to avoid them. Alternatively it can take the initiative of funding such programs that have already being established. This method will be effective as the probability of people using the internet to access such information is high. The method is also cost effective as such initiatives have been implemented in other countries for example USA and proved to be efficient. Also the government will easily be able to avail on-line safety rules to the vicinity of children such as using passwords, meeting people met through the internet with the consent or accompaniment of parents and avoiding giving out personal information. For instance the Business Software Alliance (BSA) has enable to alert and educate e-tailers and customers on the dangers of internet such as auction site frauds, counterfeiting, identity theft and phishing among others and effective ways of preventing being victims of the above vices. BSA has established a website were they offer their learning and safe guarding tips by displaying stories from victims and tips of avoiding such incidents (Lindroth 2008). Moreover, programs that allow parents to personally regulate internet information availed to their children should be used. This will prevent the government from formulating legislations that violated constitutional rights such as freedom of speech and expression. It will also allow the development of this technology thus benefiting the country and improving the welfare of the population at large. For example US citizens have been able to enjoy the benefits of using glubble a Firefox browser plug-in that has enabled parents to create a safe browsing environment for their kids. The technology is easy to use, fast to install, helps parents to manipulate internet information at the vicinity of their children and enable their children to have the appropriate on-line experience. Furthermore, it does not limit internet information that is important to adults but harmful to children such as family planning tips. Therefore, the government should capitalize on such mechanisms by offering their support either politically or economically (Gary 2009). Political power The government is politically empowered thus has the power to control legislations and policies that regulate this country. Therefore, it should use this opportunity to formulate policies that will enable attainment of cyber-security without contradicting on legislations that had been previously formulated. For instance use of plug-ins and programs that will allow parents and public utilities where children are predominate users of the internet will increase intellectual property infringement therefore, legislations that will protect owners innovation should be stipulated allowing effective use of trade marks, patents and copyright laws among others thus expand the rights of these intellectual property holders. This will encourage innovators thus increase the variety of the advanced technology to consumers. Furthermore, it will increase the competitive nature of the economy of Australia both locally and in the world market. The government should also stipulate mechanisms that will take stern action against culprits who are caught perpetuating cyber-bulling, internet sexual harassment and stealing peoples’ identity. The government should also avail easy mechanisms for reporting vices that curb cyber-safety. This will serve as a warning to prospective culprits and thus decrease the number of such incidents. Also children will grow up morally as they will avoid practising such vices because this initiative will effectively tame them. Victims of such vices, parents, and children will willingly surrender information concerning such culprits to the relevant authority because of the assurance that effective action will be taken (Harvey 2009a). Moral ethics Most of the activities and information in the internet are morally wrong as they violate ethics and human norms. Therefore, another mechanism that can be used to increase cyber-safety is educating and guiding the population and children in particular on moral vices that can be adopted, thus enabling the adherence and respect of business, religious, social and moral ethics. For example more incidents of school children participating in social networking sites that perpetuate immoral behaviour such as pornography and prostitution are evident therefore, learning institutions should formulate policies that will effectively deal with school children that participate in such incidents and break school rules. Parents on the other hand should develop engaging relationships with their children to be able to further instil the moral principles that they learn and adopt from their school environment. Therefore, the school administration should work hand in hand with the government to clearly outline guidelines that will discipline students in regards to information availed and collected from the internet. The collation that will be formed will also help parents and the general Australian population to access such guidelines thus further perpetuate adherence to moral ethics and human norms (Madson 2005). It is quite evident that teachers nowadays use social networking sites for education purposes. Therefore, teachers should ensure that they effectively elaborate to their students how they intend to communicate to them and the necessary instructions that they should follow when logged into such sites to prevent them from accessing information that is not related to education and perpetuates immorality. Alternatively the school administration should establish websites which should be regularly monitored where teachers and students can communicate. Moreover, the learning institutions should implement educative programs that will educate the students on issues related to on-line- safety and the responsible ways of using Facebook and MySpace among others. Furthermore, policies that will effectively deal with students that perpetuate and practice cyber-bullying should be enacted. This responsibility should not only be left to the school administration and the government, other bodies such as religious institutions, public conferences and gatherings, activists and ethicist should also advocate for the adherence of moral ethics and human norms through the use of mechanisms such as safety conversation (McMahon 2008). Civil libertarian The government should also not ignore the role played by civil libertarians rather they should work hand in hand with them. This will further help them to ensure cyber-safety in Australia is emanated and thus protect the innocence and rights of children. This is because civil libertarians fight for the rights and respect of computer and network users by encouraging those involved to register with them thus regulates their activities. Therefore when formulating new legislations or changing those that already exists the government should engage such organizations thus the policies that will be formulated will be at the best interest of all stakeholders. For instance the Electronic Frontier Foundation in US provides legal assistance to companies or organizations that have out rightly been denied their constitutional rights by implementation of impractical legislations. In the event the organization promotes the US laws and allows efficient incorporation of advanced technology into the country. However, it indirectly regulates the information in the internet by offering legal support to organizations that avail useful information which is not harmful to the social being and economic welfare of the community and the country. Therefore, Australia should implement this example and follow suit as cyber-security will be enhanced while protecting and respecting the constitutional and human rights of its citizens (Swidorski 2003). Conclusion From the above facts it is quite clear that all the above principles should be implemented to effectively implement internet censorship. Each principle covers a specific area of enhancing cyber-safety in the country and among the citizens. The role that the government and politicians in general can play in the attempt of protecting Australian children from internet immoral vices without developing conflicts is outlined. However, the government also needs to work hand in hand with the school administration, teachers, parents and civil libertarians to efficiently enhance on-line security and educate Australian children on mechanisms of being responsible cyber-citizens. Also as we aim to be a world class country we will have to incorporate more sophisticated technology which is mainly attained from the reliance of the internet therefore, this subject should be researched regularly to enable formulation of policies that are relevant to the current technology in the country. In the event the country will be able to attain the technology without restrictions that may curb its development. Therefore, from my own opinion it is ideal for the government to implement the technology method which will go hand in hand with the development objective of the country because it will be cheaper to incorporate, it will be easier to regulate internet information at the disclosure of children while still gaining access to information that will help in improving the welfare of the community and country at large and human rights will not be violated as a result of internet censorship which I do not support. Word Count: 2189 List of references Australian Government (2007), Attitudes and behaviour of young people on-line, Research Summary. Available at [Accessed on 28th, May, 2009]. Gary, J. (2009), â€Å"Short range plug-ins work best in US,† Automotive Engineer, 34(3), p. 49. Harvey, S. (2009a), Australian internet censorship in practice, Available at [Accessed on 28th, May, 2009] Harvey, S. (2009b), Issues with re-establishing identity after natural disasters, Available at < http://www. pingudownunder. com/blog/index. php> [Accessed on 28th, May, 2009] Lindroth, L. (2008), â€Å"How to improve on-line safety,† Teaching Pre K-8, 28(7), p20. Madson, W. (2005), Internet censorship, Available at [Accessed on 28th, May, 2009] McMahon, F. (2008), â€Å"Smooth operator,† Digital Content Producer, 34(11), pp. 30-33. Swidorski, C. (2003), â€Å"Political science, the Labour Movement, and the struggle for freedom of expression,† New Political Science, 22(3), pp. 319-340.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Aspects of Psychology in Flannery

Psychology has been a part of literature since the beginning of its existence. Its references in the Bible which affirm that mankind is separated from the animal kingdom and also show us the normal pattern to lead an effective and rewarding Christian life are parts of psychology in the foundation of life's meaning. We see these writings as truth as we have them instilled within us at an early age when attending church and reading the bible.Psychology works the same way in every type of material one reads. One is subject to psychology and the part it plays in each of the short stories, novels or poems one reads. However one may have not be fully aware of how it affects our perception of the material. It is what keeps us interested in the story. The psychological appeal that comes with certain styles of writing and peaks the interest of the reader who is waiting to see the conclusion. As Thomas Kellogg states, â€Å"for the act of writing exemplifies to me the very essence of what it means to be human. Psychology is represented in each writing by the relationships that are created teens the authors and its readers. In Flannels O'Connor â€Å"Good Country People† her cognitive approach is easily understood, â€Å"cognitive psychology differs from other models in that it focuses on the human cognitive activity of structuring and interpreting one's world. † In this story we relate because we see Helga who believes in nothing and has seen what she believes to be evil since losing her leg. Her mind is so engrossed in negativity that she cannot get past the past.When she finally does she is left in the barn thinking to herself that she was right all along. We also see the DOD as her mother still believes in the bible and its meaning. She sees almost everyone as â€Å"good country people† or â€Å"the salt of the earth. † O'Connor uses a written psychological approach in the names of the characters. Mrs.. Freeman who works at the farm is a g ossip who freely repeats the stories she is told. Mrs.. Hopeful is theoretically a hopeful and positive person who is always accepting of people, the story suggests it is because she is a Catholic.The phrases of â€Å"Everybody is different† and â€Å"It takes all kinds to make the world† implies that she accepts and likes all kinds f people. When she says â€Å"people who looked on the bright side of things would be beautiful even if they were not† shows her positive side of thinking. Manley Pointer is just that, a man in a story with all female characters. His Manley ways seduce the immature Helga who loses herself because of a need for the affection she is lacking. â€Å"Brewer's ‘structural affect theory was the first model in discourse psychology that seriously attempted to integrate plot, agency, and emotions† into literature.This story has done Just that by having smaller parts that lead to the suspenseful end where Manley takes her artificia l leg and leave's her stranded or even the quick reference where Helga thinks he may have stood her up. That is what keeps each reader interested in the plot and makes one want to know the outcome. â€Å"The psychology of literature is therefore unique in its treatment of psychological matters because words are used to express and communicate information. † â€Å"Furthermore, writers are like psychologists in being interested in the mind, emotions and behavior. † In cautiously picking each word of the story they convey a message.In this story Mrs.. Hopeful describes her feelings for the new name of Helga for her daughter Joy. She thought â€Å"broad blank hull of a battleship,† it angered her so much that she refused to call her anything but Joy. â€Å"In the study of human nature, literature, a product of our evolved human brains, is a bountiful source of data on human desires and dispositions, drawing attention to what is really important in our lives. † This is shown in the way Helga both longs for a companion but is also a bit weary at the same time. Or how the mother is portrayed as a Christian, but cannot be proud of her daughter and the degree she received from college.When reading this story one can relate to he loneliness, happiness, lack of confidence masked by anger and utter disappointment felt by its characters. It is a truly outstanding story that shows the dynamic between the mother and her daughters, Helga and her mother, Helga and Manley as well as the mother and Mrs.. Freeman. Theses inner intricate stories can easily relate to everyday people and the trials and tribulations of society.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

A Case Of Police Brutality - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2023 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/03/28 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Police Brutality Essay Did you like this example? Police brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. Police brutality comes in many different forms and ways with the clearest form being physical, the other forms include improper use of tasers, political repression, racial profiling, police corruption, sexual abuse, psychological intimidation, false arrests, and verbal abuse. To better understand, for example, DJ had a long day at work and drives to his house. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Case Of Police Brutality" essay for you Create order He has a branch with a few leaves on it stuck in between the windshield wipers and the hood of his car. On his way home from work he is stopped by a police officer who asks him for his license and registration. Thinking this is just a quick stop DJ complies and gives the officer what he asked for, and asks What did I do wrong officer? The officer replies Well theres vegetation stuck to your car and I suspect that its a marijuana leaf, so I stopped you. DJ looks at the officer in disbelief and the officer walks back to his car. Thirty minutes later three more cop cars filled with officers arrive on the scene making the whole situation bigger than it is. Finally, after two and a half hours of sitting there the officers let DJ go home. This is a form of police brutality; the officer did stop him to see what was on his car but calling in more officers and wasting time wasnt at all necessary. Despite this example, police brutality has more of a history than what has been broadcasted into the news the last decade or so. Police Brutality has been around since the Industrial Revolution when the workers were harmed physically by policemen because they went on strike. Police brutality was at its peak during the Civil Rights Movement where all forms of police brutality was used to stop the protestors which included high powered water hoses to knock the protestors down, German Shepards to attack protestors, attacked the protestors with intent to kill, tear gas, etc. Since then it has calmed down just a little with a new generation being brought up, but the flames of police brutality were lit up once again. When the death of Trayvon Martin, in 2012, started to make its way across all social media platforms and makes it way onto various news stations that updated the people of America what was going and what was going to happen. After that many more cases of police brutality started to make its way onto the news and across social media over the next few years. There have been many victims of police brutality over the last one hundred years, and after all this time the most common target for the police has been African American males. Some of the victims include Rodney King, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, Stephon Clark, etc. Rodney King was born on April 2, 1965 in Sacramento California to parents Ronald and Odessa King. Rodney King was one of the five other children his parents had together, but his father died at the age of forty-two leaving all the children to his wife Odessa. At 24 years old, Rodney robbed a store that belonged to a Korean in Monterey Park, California. He stole 200 dollars in cash and hit the owner. He was convicted and put behind the bars for a year(). On March 3, 1991 Rodney King and his two friends were chased by LAPD after Rodney refused to pull over after he was caught speeding. The high speed chased got intense as many other police cars got involved as well as a helicopter which was also chasing Rodney and his friends. After getting stopped they were told to get out the car, Rodneys friends listened and got arrested, Rodney refuse and when he finally got out of his car he was dragged out by officers and brutally beat Rodney King. At the same time Rodney King was getting brutally beat George Holiday recorded the entire incident. A few days later George sent the video to a television station and the clip of Rodney King getting dragged out his car and beat by police officers was broadcasted nationally for a few days. This tape was used in the trial that lasted three months, however a predominantly white jury acquitted the officers, inflaming citizens and sparking the violent 1992 Los Angeles riots(). Eventually Rodney King was aw arded 3.8 million in a civil trial for the injuries he sustained from the beating. Two decades later Rodney King died in his swimming pool on June 17, 2012 in Rialto, California he was forty-seven at the time of his death. Philando Castile was born July 16, 1983 in St. Louis, Missouri. He graduated from Saint Paul Central High School in 2001 and got a job working for the Saint Paul Public School District from 2002 until his death in 2016. Castile started his career as a nutrition services assistant at Chelsea Heights Elementary School and Arlington High School, both in St. Paul, Minnesota. He then moved on to a higher position at J. J. Hill Montessori Magnet School in St. Paul in August 2014(). What led up to the shooting according to the article On July 6, 2016, Castile was pulled over as part of a traffic stop by Officers Jeronimo Yanez and Joseph Kauser in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul. According to officers, Castile and the passenger allegedly resembled suspects involved in an earlier robbery. Castile and his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, were returning from grocery shopping earlier in the evening. He had gotten a haircut, had dinner with his sister, Allysza, and picked up Reynolds from his residence in St. Paul. Yanez walked up to the side window and requested that Castile hand over his license and proof of insurance. Castile did and told Yanez he had a gun in his possession. Moments later Officer Yanez told Castile not to take it out. Castile said he was not pulling out the gun. Yanez yelled, Dont pull it out! and pulled his own gun from his holster, striking Castile seven times at point blank range. Castile died on the scene. The aftermath of the shooting was live streamed on Facebook by his girlfriend and viewed by many as she is seen in the live stream talking to the officer who shot her boyfriend. A few days after the shooting an attorney by the mane of John Choi requested a Prompt and thorough investigation of the crime. After the investigation the officer that killed Philando Castile, Yanez, was put on trial and charged with three felonies: one count of second-degree manslaughter and two counts of dangerous discharge of a firearm. Yanez was acquitted of all these charges, however the City of Saint Anthony fired him the same day. Philando Castiles Death sparked protest and marches which caused Interstate 94 in between Minnesota State Highway 280 and downtown St. Paul to be closed. Many more protests happened across the country with some becoming violent. Michael Brown Jr. was born in Florissant, Missouri on May 20, 1996 to parents Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr. He has struggles early on with his education, however he recovered and graduated on time and with his class in 2014. He planned to go to trade school right after graduating. According to the article the events of case are as follows At 11:47 a.m., Wilson responded to a call about a baby with breathing problems and drove to Glenark Drive, east of Canfield Drive. About three minutes later and several blocks away, Brown was recorded on camera stealing a box of Swisher cigars and forcefully shoving a Ferguson Market clerk. Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson, left the market at about 11:54 a.m. At 11:53, a police dispatcher reported stealing in progress at the Ferguson Market and described the suspect as a black male wearing a white T-shirt running toward QuikTrip. The suspect was reported as having stolen a box of Swisher cigars. At 11:57, the dispatch described the suspect as wearing a red St. Louis Cardinals hat, a white T-shirt, yellow socks, and khaki shorts, and that he was accompanied by another male. At 12:00 p.m., Wilson reported he was back in service and radioed units 25 and 22 to ask if they needed his assistance in searching for the suspects. S even seconds later, an unidentified officer said the suspects had disappeared. Wilson called for backup at 12:02, saying [Unit] 21. Put me on Canfield with two. And send me another car. Initially, reports of what happened next differed widely among sources and witnesses, particularly with regards to whether Brown was coming towards Wilson when the shots were actually fired. At noon on August 9, Wilson drove up to Brown and Johnson as they were walking in the middle of Canfield Drive and ordered them to move off the street. Wilson continued driving past the two men, but then backed up and stopped close to them. A struggle took place between Brown and Wilson after the former reached through the window of the police SUV, a Chevrolet Tahoe. Wilsons gun was fired twice during the struggle from inside the vehicle, with one bullet hitting Browns right hand. Brown and Johnson fled and Johnson hid behind a car. Wilson got out of the vehicle and pursued Brown. At some point, Wilson fired his gun again, while facing Brown, and hit him with at least 6 shots. Brown was unarmed and died on the street.() Michael Browns death caused fury around the nation adding fuel to the newly found Black Lives Matter Movement. The policeman the killed Michael Brown was put on a trail that lasted more than three months due to the Grand Jury not coming to a decision on the case. After the three months were over the Grand Jury decided not to indict the police officer. Stephon Clark was born on August 10, 1995, he graduated from Sacramento High School where he played football during his time there. Not much else is known about his early life and or life before the shooting. According the article Two officers fired a total of 20 shots at Clark on March 18. The officers were responding to a 911 call reporting someone breaking car windows in the 7500 block of 29th street. A Sacramento County Sheriffs Department helicopter also responded to the 911 call. Deputies in the helicopter reported seeing a man armed with a tool bar in a nearby backyard and began directing the ground officers to that location. Police said officers believed Clark the object was a gun and fired, fearing for their safety. No gun was found at the scene. Police said the object was a cellphone. It was found near Clarks body and taken into evidence. Each of the two officers involved in the shooting fired 10 shots, for a total of 20 shots fired, police say. The Sacramento Police Department released the body camera footage and helicopter footage three days after the shooting. Video from a Sacramento Sheriffs Department helicopter shows Clark running from a neighbors yard and leaping a fence into his grandmothers property. The deputies in the helicopter can be heard saying the suspect had broken a window on the house next door and was checking out another car in the driveway. Police body-cam videos show the police running down the driveway after Clark and taking cover at the rear edge of the building. Show me your hands! Gun, gun, gun! one of the officers can be heard shouting just before shots rang out. Californias attorney general and the police department are conducting an investigation into what happened that night.() A summarized version of what happened to Stephon Clark: Sacramento shooting of Stephon Clark happened on March 18, 2018. He was killed by two officers of the SPD or Sacramento Police Department. The SPD were looking for a person breaking windows in the area. Once they saw Clark, they deemed him to be the suspect they were looking for. They shot him when he, according to them, pulled out a gun and pointed it at them. After shooting him and killing him in the process, they realized the gun he pointed was a cell phone. The case is still live and has not found a verdict, but because of this, the large protests in Sacramento have occurred.