Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Teachings of Islam - 662 Words

The Teachings of Islam Islam is a religion with different rules, and beliefs. Islam is not only a religion, it is also a teaching. It takes a lot of time away from a Muslims everyday life, the Muslim’s have to do multiple prayers every single day. Islam includes, the five pillars of faith, and the holy Qur’an. All Islamics must believe in one god and only one god, Allah. The five pillars of faith are basic acts, the first one is the Declaration of Faith. This act states that you can see Allah, your only god, along with Muhammad who is Allah’s messenger. Muhammed may also be Allah servant at times if needed. The second pillar of faith is Prayers, if you follow the islamic religion then you had to make five prayers a day. The first prayer is done in the morning, it is called Fajr. It is done one hour before sunrise because if it is done during sun rise then you might take on the appearance that you are worshipping the sun. The second prayer is done near midday when the sun is declining, this prayer is called Zhur. The next one is done in the afternoon about half an before sunset and is called Asr. The fourth prayer is done a little after sunset and is Maghrib, and the fifth and final prayer is done at night when it is dark and can possibly last until mid-night, this prayer is called Isha. The third Pillar of faith is the tax on people, every year 2% of a familys possessions were taken for different reasons. One of the reasons was to help the poor or the people whoShow MoreRelatedThe Teachings of Islam653 Words   |  3 Pagesabout Islam, I’m pretty sure you have. People say that Islam tells you have to live your life, but really Islam tells you much more, like how to be nice to people, and what you get for being nice. It teaches you how to be a good person and stay away from bad things. Islam is the most fastest growing religion on the face of the earth. The word Islam means voluntary â€Å"Submission† or â€Å"Surrender† to the Will of God. It derives from the root word â€Å"salam,† meaning peace. A person who follows Islam is aRead MoreSocial Teachings of Islam1089 Words   |  5 PagesSocial Teachings of Islam Islam is an Abrahamic religion followed predominantly by those living in the Middle East and northern parts of Africa. The Arabic word â€Å"islam†, or â€Å"surrender† in English, encompasses what all Muslims are expected to do--surrender to Allah and his will. The teachings of Allah through Muhammad are known as the Qur’an. To Muslims, these teachings are a way of life that reaches past being a moral code for the individual and into the social aspects of their society. TheRead MoreThe Basic Teachings of Islam3603 Words   |  15 PagesTopic: the basic teachings of Islam Introduction Religion is one way of helping people establish a meaningful way of life, ground on promoting humanity’s personal growth and the concerns of others. 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For both Christianity and Islam, innerRead MoreAnalyse The Teachings Of Islam2020 Words   |  9 PagesAnalyse the teachings of Islam as they apply to TWO specific areas of Bioethics. The Islamic view of life is based upon the notion that faith provides the sanctity of life. The Qur’an states; â€Å"Whosoever has spared the life of a soul, it is as though he has spared the life of all people. Whosoever has killed a soul, it is as though he has murdered all of mankind.† - Qur an 5:32 The religion of Islam is founded upon the core principle that the acceptance and realisation of God’s divine determinationRead MoreThe True Teachings of Islam691 Words   |  3 PagesThe particular Holy Quran could be the maximum specialist inside Islam. It includes the actual terms regarding The almighty since uncovered to be able to Prophet Muhammad (R) and also noted simply by his / her friends. 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This will be proved by first defining what an ethical guideline or teaching is, by looking at the Islamic ethical guidelinesRead MoreChristianity And Islam And The Teachings Of Inner Peace2780 Words   |  12 Pagesof peace between people and also between people and God. Jesus and Muhammad had a role in spreading the teaching of peace. To understand how the Muslims and Christians view peace it is imperative to first understand what peace means. Most people would refer to peace as freedom of war, disagreements, conflict and calmness of mind. To understand the roles of Christianity and Islam in the teaching of peace the concepts of inner peace, world and society peace has to be addressed, for both Christians andRead MoreSayyid Qutbs Impact on Islam636 Words   |  3 Pages2. Evaluate the impact on Islam of ONE significant p erson or school of thought. Sayyid Qutb had a seemingly minimal impact throughout his life, but his teachings and ideology have become of significant importance to the Islamic faith. However his views and thoughts of that are somewhat extreme have lead some followers to form organizations which are involved with radical, extreme and â€Å"terrorist† activities. Qutb’s teachings and commentary of Islamic teachings are seen to hold considerable authorityRead MoreCC of Cultural and Intellectual Tradition of The M.E. (600-1450 CE)766 Words   |  4 Pagesinfluences of Christian and Jewish traditions, the nomadic peoples of the Arabian Peninsula joined forces to form the Dar-ar-Islam. Used to unite the Middle Eastern Empire, Islam – founded by the prophet Muhammad in 610 CE – created a stable civilization based on Islamic views and teachings for its individuals. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Every Day Is A Gift - 1201 Words

Every Day is a Gift â€Å"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others† - Cicero. How might one respond to this? If someone were to ask you what you were thankful for, what would your answer be? If there one specific thing that comes to mind, or are there a number of things? Many people fail to realize there is so much to be thankful for. Everyone may have something different to be thankful for and this could vary from place to place. When one thinks about what someone in a first world country has in common with a first world country there isn’t much that comes to mind. One would assume the individual living in the first world country would have much more to be thankful for than the individual living in the third†¦show more content†¦For instance, women in most third world country are looked down upon and belittled. While here in America men and women are supposed to be created as equals. Also in America, the citizens are free to practice any religio n that they wish; some of the religions in other countries require women to wear headdresses and keep themselves covered from the public eye. Women are to worship their husband and are held to the highest standards. As written in an excerpt by Elizabeth W. and Robert A. Fernea entitled A Look Behind the Veil, it states, â€Å"Many women have told us that they felt self-conscious, vulnerable, and even naked when they first walked on a public street without the veil and abaya--as if they were making a display of themselves† (page 168-169). While most people would be ashamed or embarrassed to do such a thing, these women have learned to accept it, embrace it, and defend it. They are so whole-heartedly committed to their religion and way of life that they have learned to live with it and do what is expected. They may have all the reason to be miserable, yet remains a sense of gratitude. Better yet, Americans have a sufficient amount of resources to live comfortably and remain up-to-date with all of the constantly improving technology; however, in other countries it is the complete opposite. While most third world countries lack the resources they need to live in well-sustained homes, the majority ofShow MoreRelatedMothers Day Gift Ideas1116 Words   |  5 PagesMother’s Day Gift Ideas Hallmark and FTD have made a fortune on gift buying for mom on Mother’s Day, but it might be time to move away from the standard bouquet of flowers and the frilly, glittery card and embrace some new gift ideas. Mother’s Day is officially and unofficially recognized in most countries worldwide. Whether or not it is called Mother’s Day depends upon the country celebrating it. One thing is true no matter where you are, and that is that mothers are honored and given gifts like flowersRead MoreAnalysis Of Michael Chorost s My Bionic Quest For Bolero1150 Words   |  5 PagesGod creates every day and every day is a miracle. The New Oxford Dictionary defines a miracle as, â€Å"a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is, therefore, considered to be the work of a divine agency.† Everything that is experienced from morning until night is a miracle. Though these marvels are amazing, they are taken for granted. Thing s like listening to music, walking, talking, smelling, and living are all Gods miracles and are all taken for grantedRead MoreThe Spiritual Gift Of Apostles And Prophets1087 Words   |  5 Pagespresent day. This research paper will offer the Charismatic Movement opinion that advocates the interpretation of modern day apostles and prophets. A history of Charismatic theology will be provided. A survey of modern-day apostles and prophets will be examined. An assessment of these viewpoints will be explained and the conclusion will close out the research paper. How to uncover your spiritual gift is an important start for every believer to further the body of Christ. Every spiritual gift isRead MoreThe Union Gospel Mission Of Portland1416 Words   |  6 PagesEvery year near the Christmas season there are several places in Portland Oregon asking residents of the city to donate gifts for those in need. There is the KGW toy drive, which is partnered up with Les Schwab Tires and KGW Television and Radio station. Donate a new unwrapped toy at any Les Schwab Tire store in the metropolitan area of Portland. They can also be delivered directly to KGW s station house located at 1501 SW Jefferson St. in Portland. Donations for gifts in Portland can range fromRead MoreArgumentative Essay : Risky Giving1317 Words   |  6 Pagesgenerous, but the foundation of gift giving is reciprocity. You haven’t given me a gift. You’ve given me an obligation.† (Sheldon Cooper, Big Bang Theory) And that’s how our world – and our sinful nature – understands gift-giving, no matter when it happens: not a gift, but a transaction, a bargain, a deal. We give in order to get in return. To our old sinful nature, gifts are marked Free with an asterisk. There are always conditions or strings attached to our gift giving. Now I’ve gotta do somethingRead MoreThe Consumption Of Red Velvet s Greatest Asset For The Coffee Value Proposition1219 Words   |  5 Pagesthe customer at the second window. This allows for quicker production. Customers also have the option of coming into the shop to purchase coffee and enjoy it in the inside seating arrangement. 6.2 Gift Shop The secondary side of Red Velvet s business is going to be the retail gift shop for high end, locally made items. For this side, customers will come inside and browse the various selections available on display. 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Clearly, anyone who attends a public school witnesses these emotions every day, until the weekend arrives. Finally, a time where children can sleep in as long as they want, or even stay up as long as they want. But then, school kicks off once again on Monday morning. Ever wish every day was a weekend? Doesn’t that sound just too marvelous to be true? Few events, such as this, will occur throughout the school year; however, the

Monday, December 9, 2019

Should a Human Life Be Sacrificed to Save Many Essay Sample free essay sample

Question chosen: Do you hold that a human life can be sacrificed in the research to salvage many? To me. a human life is easiest to specify harmonizing to the clip female parents lose their right to abort their babe. which is when the fetus is 25 hebdomads old. As for forfeits. it encompasses all acts that take away or utilize an built-in portion of a person’s life or organic structure unnaturally or prematurely. regardless of the persons’ consent. My base is that human lives should neer be deliberately sacrificed. regardless of whether the capable gives his/her consent. Even if that sacrificial act can salvage many. it is incorrect as it goes against the cardinal ethical motives of human nature. First. scientific research is fallible ; there can neer be a full warrant of success. If the consequences of the research fail to give good and accurate consequences. the high monetary value at which the research was conducted – the forfeit of human lives- would hold been in vain. We will write a custom essay sample on Should a Human Life Be Sacrificed to Save Many? Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1915. a physician working for the U. S. Public Health Office injected 12 Mississippi inmates with Pellagra in an effort to detect a remedy for the disease. Finally neglecting at his experiment. the 12 inmates suffered through a slow and painful decease during which about 132 methods of intervention were tested on them. none of which made any utile part to happening an effectual remedy for the disease. This besides goes against articles 2. 5. 6 and 10 of the Nuremberg Code. which states that â€Å"Permissible medical experiments should give fruitful consequences. and should non do decease or disenabling hurt. In the event that the experiment is likely to do disenabling hurt or decease. the procedure has to be halted instantly. Scientists should neer value the importance of good scientific consequences above hazard. † Since there is ever a border of mistake in scientific research. there will ever be a opportunity that human lives will be sacrificed in vain. Sacrificial Acts of the Apostless. particularly 1s that involve something every bit sacred as human lives. should neer be made based on mere guess or opportunity. Once a human life has been compromised. the action can neer be reversed. This will be made even worse if the research does non give good consequences. Hence. no human life should be sacrificed no affair how good the research. as our lives are excessively cherished and sacred to be staked on something that is non even guaranteed to win. Second. leting a human life to be sacrificed. regardless of how baronial the purpose. reinforces the thought that human lives are fiddling and can be extinguished when â€Å"necessary† . Daniel Bartels of Columbia University found that around 90 % of those who chose to â€Å"kill one to salvage many† had stronger inclinations towards mental illness and tended to see life as meaningless. Article 2 and 3 of the Human Rights Declaration besides states that â€Å"Human self-respect. human rights and cardinal freedoms are to be to the full respected at all times. The involvements every bit good as public assistance of the person should hold precedence over the exclusive involvement of scientific discipline or society. † Taking away a person’s right to populate would be kindred to taking away his/her most cardinal freedom. Even if the forfeit was consensual. it should non be permitted to happen as this useful position undermines the really footing of our moral v alues and hazards trivialising the significance of life itself. Besides. human life is unmeasurable and hence can non be measured quantitatively. The impression that giving one to salvage many makes â€Å"economic sense† is therefore non merely irrelevant but blatantly disregards the value of human life at the same clip. However. the person does hold the right to give his/her life in the service of the greater good. Martyrs are those who suffer decease on history of attachment to a cause or a strong personal belief. For illustration. Marie Curie’s extended research on the effects of radiation led to her decease from aplastic anemia brought on by her old ages of exposure to radiation. Although no 1 believed her hypothesis so due to her gender. her research finally provided us with the innovator footing which so led to the find of the harmful effects of radiation. Sometimes. personal forfeits made in the name of scientific research do conveying approximately great benefits. That being said. giving a human life is basically incorrect. Harmonizing to Immanuel Kant’s categorical jussive mood. giving a life is morally untenable regardless of the good or bad effects because the act itself is per se incorrect. Should a human life be permitted to be extinguished in the name of â€Å"scientific research† . it paves the route for life itself to go meaningless and oversteps the boundaries set by assorted spiritual and legal establishments guarding the right to populate. Hence. no life should be sacrificed as it if basically incorrect and if condoned. would be recommending all the incorrect moral values. The right of an single to populate far surpasses any benefits scientific research could convey us. This principal has been emphasized repeatedly in assorted codifications of moralss every bit good as declarations. and for good ground. Not merely is this sacrificial act morally incorrect. it diminishes the value of the one thing most sacred to us ; life itself. Should this act of all time be condoned. it opens the floodgates to countless offenses against humanity. The right to populate is the most intrinsic and cardinal freedom of us worlds. To take that off would be kindred to taking away the footing of everything as we know it.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Eyes of the Skin Architecture and the Senses by Juhani Pallasmaa Essay Example

The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses by Juhani Pallasmaa Essay In Juhani Pallasmaa’s essay, â€Å"The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses,† he brings to our attention how western culture suffers from ocularcentrism; when vision is privileged over the other four senses. This is characterized by a â€Å"vision-generated, vision centered interpretation of knowledge, truth, and reality.† He along with this brings us to a realization that some of our finest thinking is done when our vision is suppressed. Our vision serves as a limitation and distraction to our minds full capability according to the text. Furthermore, it also goes into great detail about how the other four senses are equally as important in shaping our experience of being.† Everything Pallasmaa pointed out within his essay really opened my eyes (no pun intended), to how we as humans perceive and experience everyday life, and how we properly should be doing so. This faulty way of living life was brought to my attention progressively over the course of the reading and opened up a perspective of life I never thought of before. In the first place, Pallasmaa explains to us that we prioritize vision over the other senses, smell, touch, taste, and hearing when it comes to meaningless everyday activities in todays society. But to really understand how much we value vision over the four, we need to look at each sense as an added dimension used to enhance and cultivate every experience and encounter we take part in. For example, lets use contemporary architecture. Architecture today is created for the sole purpose of pleasing the eye. This is why you see buildings like the freedom tower, sears tower, etc. look every aesthetically pleasing, but lack depth to it according to Pallasmaa. Current architecture like this may look good with all the fancy windows, future style, etc, but all it really does according to Pallasmaa is, â€Å"isolate it in the cool and distant realm of vision.† (31) The visual culture as it relates to current day We will write a custom essay sample on The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses by Juhani Pallasmaa specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses by Juhani Pallasmaa specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses by Juhani Pallasmaa specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer